
PCOS & Hormone Health Functional Nutrition Coaching


  • Weight loss resistance. You’ve tried calorie restriction and exercising often, but your weight just won’t budge. 
  • Fatigue. You feel zapped of the energy that you used to have and know it’s not just because you’re busy. You’re tired & crave sugar, and it’s a vicious cycle.
  • Crazy cycles: They’re irregular, uncomfortable, or non-existent.
  • Infertility. You might be experiencing difficulty ovulating, or ovulating but not achieving pregnancy, or have already achieved pregnancy in the past but are now experiencing new infertility. 
  • Unhealthy relationship with food. You bounce between overeating and restricting and have tried one diet after another.
  • Overwhelm & confusion. You are confused over conflicting guidelines online about PCOS. You’re overwhelmed with how to know what is good for you, what your next best step should be, and what foods to actually buy or cook.
  • Wanting something better than what you’ve been told: You are tired of so many doctors & health websites that proclaim the Pill and medications as the only treatment options. Exposing yourself to the host of side effects that come with these disruptive meds sounds awful (or you’ve already experienced them!).

What You Want to Overcome PCOS

You want to lose weight. You want your energy back. You want regular, predictable, and comfortable cycles so you can feel great now and also naturally plan for a family when that call comes.

You want to love food but not let it dictate your life. You want a framework that offers you a focused plan of action to overcome your PCOS.

You want something more than birth control, metformin, spironolactone, and other meds. You don’t want a “pill for every ill”!

You’re ready for a plan that truly treats root causes rather than masks symptoms. You want to trust in your intuition that your body has been wonderfully made to function well with natural support and a healthier lifestyle.

You NEED a process that brings results. When you work with me, you get…

  • Weight loss and sustainable weight management.
  • Reduced sugar and carb cravings and satisfaction after meals.
  • Steady energy & stable mood.
  • Cycle regularity and natural fertility.
  • Peace with food & a genuine confidence in choosing what’s best for you.
  • Understanding of how your body functions so you can support it rather than suppress it.

Our process gives you a focused framework so you can achieve your goals, sustain your progress, and leave the rest behind.

When you work with us, we’ll…

Explore your needs based on gathering the ins & outs of your health story and organize our findings into a functional nutrition framework.

Walk through the way your body is functioning and solidify an understanding of why exactly you experience what you experience.

Prioritize the best next steps to take. This is where you can stop feeling overwhelmed and start actually seeing results.

The essential foundations we’ll work on include diet, gut health, sleep, circadian rhythms, and exercise.

You’ll get the tools you need to overcome PCOS:

  • 1:1 sessions with us (90 minute full initial assessment & 60 minute follow up sessions)
  • Review of labwork & additional testing recommendations, including access through me to functional tests like the DUTCH Test (best on the market for hormone analysis)
  • Customized action plan with diet, exercise, supplement & lifestyle recommendations following each session
  • Guides and recipes for planning and building meals specific for your type of PCOS
  • Personalized supplement recommendations, with discount on high-quality, professional-grade supplements from our online Fullscript dispensary 
  • Messaging support via your online client portal in between sessions
  • Online food journal software with our feedback to keep you on track between sessions (if desired)

Do you finally want to make some changes but realize how much support you want to make those changes a reality?


A Functional Nutrition Approach to PCOS

PCOS is a collection of symptoms with nuances differing from woman to woman diagnosed with PCOS. In the world of root-cause functional medicine, PCOS is becoming more & more understood as a disorder of inflammation. (It’s somewhat similar to an autoimmune condition even– learn more here) And this inflammation is truly a natural defense mechanism of the body against the insults of modern living: toxic dietary habits, stress, lack of sleep, sitting all day lifestyle, toxins in the environment, & more. 

Other conditions often presenting with PCOS:

  • Chronic fatigue (or HPA Axis dysfunction)
  • Metabolic disorders (weight loss resistance, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, insulin resistance, high blood pressure)
  • Hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
  • IBS, gut bacteria dysbiosis, or other GI symptoms

These conditions also occur due to chronic inflammation in the body. We see that one condition or system of the body is highly connected to another.


Addressing the Foundations of Health

While diet truly is the most influential factor controlling the expression of PCOS, managing stress and other daily factors contribute to the rest of the essentials in your toolbox to overcoming PCOS.

We address diet & functional nutrition for PCOS via anti-inflammatory eating & supplementation. In addition, we also teach my clients the WHY behind what’s going on & help them address their sleep habits, stress management, exercise (or “therapeutic movement” as we call it), making space for true leisure and daily prayer, and more. This is what it means to treat the “whole person”. These fundamental aspects of our daily lives cannot be overlooked as being too simple or mundane. These are literally the core of our health & the wellness of our being.


Work with us and learn how PCOS actually occurs in your body. It’s not just more or less of one hormone or another but rather a total body response. That’s why we help our clients treat it as such by supporting the foundations of their health. We help investigate the potential of other underlying conditions like Hashimoto’s or the others listed above. We bring in support to quell inflammation from many angles, especially by supporting gut health.


Our Approach

…Is not a quick fix (although that sounds tempting!) because you know that healing must come from a renewed lifestyle that you can sustain.

…Empowers your body’s natural innate ability to achieve fertility.

…Provides a support system that encourages confidence to move forward with better health.

…Acknowledges that health is altogether comprised of body, mind & spirit.

…Encourages prayer & hope that informs us to be balanced and surrendered to God along the journey.

Are you ready to take action? Finally get the answers & support you need with functional nutrition for PCOS.