• Healthy No Bake Buffalo Chicken Dip Mini Pizzas {secret ingredient!}

    Healthy No Bake Buffalo Chicken Dip Mini Pizzas

    Balanced, healthy buffalo chicken dip

    These easy no bake buffalo chicken dip appetizers are perfect for a party or balanced enough to eat as a healthy meal! Classic buffalo chicken dip is so tasty & it keeps you coming back for more. But usually the recipe leaves you feeling pretty lousy, due to sky high levels of sodium and excessive amounts of cheese and fat. Don’t get me wrong- I am all about adding healthy fat to meals. But it can be an indigestion nightmare to eat loads of cheesy ingredients that are typically found in buffalo chicken dips.

  • One Pot Pumpkin Ground Beef Skillet {Paleo, Keto, Low FODMAP}

    Use this healthy ground beef skillet recipe to create a healthy lifestyle

    Healthy Ground Beef Skillet Recipe

    This healthy ground beef skillet recipe is my go-to meal when I want something quick, wholesome, and really satisfying. It is comfort food as it should be- tasty, hearty, and nourishing.

    It contains real food only (as all of my recipes do!). It’s perfect for those who need or choose to eat paleo or a real food, wholesome keto diet. And for those needing Low FODMAP modifications for gut health reasons, this recipe is Low FODMAP and goes great with additional Low FODMAP veggies and carb sources.