• Healthy No Bake Buffalo Chicken Dip Mini Pizzas {secret ingredient!}

    Healthy No Bake Buffalo Chicken Dip Mini Pizzas

    Balanced, healthy buffalo chicken dip

    These easy no bake buffalo chicken dip appetizers are perfect for a party or balanced enough to eat as a healthy meal! Classic buffalo chicken dip is so tasty & it keeps you coming back for more. But usually the recipe leaves you feeling pretty lousy, due to sky high levels of sodium and excessive amounts of cheese and fat. Don’t get me wrong- I am all about adding healthy fat to meals. But it can be an indigestion nightmare to eat loads of cheesy ingredients that are typically found in buffalo chicken dips.

  • Amazing No Sugar Added Banana Bread Bars {Gluten Free, PCOS friendly}

    No Sugar Added Banana Bread Bars {Gluten Free, PCOS friendly}

    No sugar added!

    No sugar added banana bread- can it still taste good? Ah my friends, yes indeed! My version is also gluten free & easily dairy free. It contains NO added granulated sugar except for some sugar in the chocolate chips IF you choose to add those, but you can easily add no-sugar-added chocolate chips. See below.

    This gluten free banana bread is sweetened only with bananas (and a few dark chocolate chips!). Most recipes available on the internet contain too much added sugar. However, I believe the bananas are sweet enough on their own! How do you make banana bread without added sugar? Just don’t add it! This no sugar added banana bread recipe is totally balanced. It’s not a sugar free recipe. Honestly, sugar free dessert always means sugar substitutes, some of which are detrimental for gut and metabolic health in the long run. Rather, this is a low sugar banana bread. It’s balanced with protein and fiber and a more moderate level of wholesome carbs. So it can be eaten as a dessert OR as a snack (or even as part of your breakfast!).

    Give it a try! You may find that you enjoy the less sweet flavor and find yourself delighting in the banana & baked oat flavor. Kick those overly-sweetened recipes to the curb!